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Bluetooth 4.0 BLE modul HM-11

13.50   (bez DPH 10.98 )

Kompaktný Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) modul vhodný pre zariadenia napájané z batérie

2 na sklade

Skladom 2 ks

Katalógové číslo: DAT530 Kategórií:


Sériový bluetooth modul s technológiou BLE. Modul má veľmi kompaktné rozmery a nízku spotrebu, preto je vhodný pre projekty napájané z batérie alebo kde je obmedzenie priestoru.

Modul sa ovláda setom AT príkazov a funguje bez problémovo aj s modernými smartfónmi – na obchod play je množstvo aplikácií umožňujúcich pripojenie mobilov ku bluetooth modulu.

Pre viac informácií odporúčame preštudovať video návod alebo datasheet.

Čip: CC2541 BLE bluetooth 4.0
Pracovné napätie: 3.3V
Frekvencia: 2.4GHz
Dosah: 10-20 metrov
AT príkazy po sériovej linke
Modulácia GFSK

Pin Function Description

Pin Definition Features Description
1 VCC power supply Power supply 3V or 3.3V
2 P22/DC debug clock
3 P21/DD debug data
4 P20
5 P17
6 P16 Pin connection status Active low (low when connected)

(master and slave valid)

7 P11 PWM2 PWM2 output pin can be controlled by APP
8 P12 IO1 IO1 output pin can be controlled by APP level
9 P13 IO2 IO2 output pin can be controlled by APP level
10 P15 IO3 IO3 output pin can be controlled by APP level
11 SCK I2C clock
12 SDA I2C data
13 P14 IO4 IO4 output pin can be controlled by APP level
14 P10 PWM1 PWM1 output pin can be controlled by APP
15 P07 PWM3 PWM3 output pin can be controlled by APP
16 P06 PWM4 PWM4 output pin can be controlled by APP
17 P05 RTC alarm IO When the RTC timing when IO output low
18 P04 RTC alarm IO When the RTC timing when IO output low
19 P03 TXD Serial output, the level is TTL level
20 P02 RXD Serial input, the level is TTL level
21 P01
22 P00 PWRC Wakeup pin. Internal pull-up resistor. Active low.

Connect to GND to enter AT command mode.

23 RST Reset Hardware reset pin
24 GND Power Ground

/bluetooth module wireless smartfon smartphone connection CC2541 JDY-08 hm11 hm 11
/Bluetooth 4.0 BLE HM-11 modul Kompakt Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) modul akkumulátoros eszközökhöz

Ďalšie informácie

Hmotnosť 0.4 g


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